When organizations fail to innovate, they ultimately fail to succeed. Effectively leading innovation, however, is not an easy task. Due to the extremely fast pace of today's business world, leaders tend to jump to conclusions as to what needs innovation and how it should take place. In other words, our human condition, rushed decision-making, and oblivion to the complexity of circumstances, turn into severe innovation barriers. This course develops the deep and often counter-intuitive cognitive, emotional, as well as practical leadership skills needed to drive your desired innovation results!

Innovation Leadership will give you the opportunity to: 

  • Discover the latest innovation leadership theories through short video lectures and materials.
  • Use your own examples and case studies to put the theory into practice at your company. 
  • Develop crucial innovation leadership skills through reflections, practical exercises, and quizzes. 
  • Reflect with fellow participants in 6 live-video conferences. 
  • Receive 1:1 advice on sensitive cases in 3 optional added-on coaching sessions.

This course is designed for:  

  • CEOs, VP, and Directors of mid-sized companies.
  • Change and Innovation Leaders. 
  • HR and OD Leaders.

Time Investment: 2-3 hours per week.

Ready to Innovate?

Sign up for this unique experience that will get you innovation-ready in 12 weeks of inspiring interaction.

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Course Outline

  • 1
    Welcome to Innovation Leadership!
    • A message from the facilitator
    • How to use this course
    • A quick survey before we begin...
  • 2
    Unit #1: Innovation Leadership - Essence, Skills, and Hurdles
    • What is Innovation Leadership?
    • Which Skills Does an Innovation Leader Need?
    • Why Is Innovation and Innovation Leadership so Hard?
    • Test Your Innovation Leadership Skills
  • 3
    Unit #2: Innovation in Complex Dynamic Systems
    • What are Dynamic and Complex Systems?
    • How to Identify Levels of Complexity
    • Maneuvering Complex Dynamic Systems
    • Exercise: Analyze Your Current Workplace or A Workplace/System You Know Very Well
  • 4
    Unit #3: Types of Innovation
    • Product Innovation
    • Team Innovation
    • Business and Business Model Innovation
    • Disruptive Innovation
    • Social Innovation
    • Innovation Types - Test Your Learning
    • Gain Clarity of The Type of Innovation You Would Like to Work on in This Course
  • 5
    Unit #4: Cognitive Innovation Leadership Skills
    • Cognitive Agility
    • "Presencing"
    • "Learning from The Future"
    • "Appreciative Intelligence"
    • Bias for Action with a Preference for Risk-taking and Likely Failure
    • Reflect on Your Cognitive Innovation Leadership Skills and Discuss
    • Test Your Cognitive Innovation Skills
  • 6
    Unit #5: Emotional Innovation Leadership Skills
    • Vulnerability
    • Dealing with Uncertainty
    • Dealing with Isolation
    • Fear
    • Maneuvering Passion
    • Reflect on Your Emotional Innovation Leadership Skills and Discuss
    • Assess Your Emotional Innovation Leadership Skils
  • 7
    Unit #6: Practical Innovation Leadership Skills
    • Understanding Change Readiness
    • Patience, Mindfulness, and Foresight
    • Strategy, Planning, Negotiation Skills
    • Targeted Transparency, Consistency, Stability
    • It better be better!
    • Reflect on Your Practical Innovation Leadership Skills and Discuss
    • Test Your Practical Innovation Leadership Skills
  • 8
    Unit #7: Creating Robust Innovations
    • What is a Robust Innovation?
    • How to Use Schemas and Scripts for Making Innovations More Robust
    • Make Your Planned Innovation More Robust
  • 9
    Unit #8: The Art of Reframing (Part I)
    • What Is A Reframe? Why Do We Need It?
    • 5 Powerful Reframes That Will Help You Make A Difference
    • Exercise: Reframe Your Own Innovation Case (1)
    • Exercise: Reframe Your Own Innovation Case (2)
    • Exercise: Reframe Your Own Innovation Case (3)
  • 10
    Unit #9: The Art of Reframing (Part II)
    • High-level lesson
    • How-to lesson
    • Test your learning
  • 11
    Unit #10: Preparing Your Pitch
    • Guidelines for Working On Your Case
    • Written Guidelines and Exercises for Working on Your Case
    • Zoom Conference - Discussing Cases
    • Improving Your Case - Implementing Feedback
  • 12
    Unit #11: Ethics in Innovation
    • The Two Sides of Ethics in Innovation
    • Real-Life Cases - How Would You Decide?
    • Ethics Check for Your Planned Innovation
  • 13
    Unit #12: Negotiating and Selling Innovation
    • Techniques for Making Your Case
    • Forming Alliances
    • Including Critics
    • Preparing Your Final Pitch
    • Finalize Your Pitch Before Presentation
    • Zoom - Video Conference: Present Your Final Pitch
  • 14
    Next steps
    • Congrats! Here's what's next...
    • More resources for you
    • Before you go...