This offer includes 3 months of general access to our Learning Management Platform, i.e., the LC GLOBAL® Academy and the purchased course/service. LC GLOBAL Consulting Inc. is not responsible for the frequency in which you make use of this right to ACCESS and USE our Learning Management Platform or this course. LC GLOBAL Consulting Inc. offers course participants a three (3)-day refund only in the case that the platform has not been accessed or used in any shape or form. Buy buying the product, you agree that activity on the Learning Management Platform is tracked for this purpose. This is valid for all Services purchased on the LC GLOBAL Consulting Inc. website (at and equivalent sub-pages such as or other webpages that host the LC GLOBAL® Academy) or via Android applications. Any Courses purchased through Third Party Platforms or the iOS application will not be eligible for refunds. To request a refund, please contact us via [email protected]. Please note that if we believe that you are abusing our refund policy, in our sole discretion, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse or restrict any and all current or future use of the services, without any liability to you.

Rules of conduct: Please understand that we promote a judgment-free and mindful learning environment in our courses, video conferences, and on our discussion forums. We reserve the right to erase messages from discussion forums that do not comply with that intention. In case of a clear violation of our conversation culture or other rules of conduct, we additionally reserve the right to exclude you from the course or other services provided by the LC GLOBAL® Academy.  

By purchasing this course, product, or service, you agree to the course’s, product’s, or services’ conditions as outlined in the description. For courses that include video conferences, you agree to be present at the respective times and understand that you will forfeit the respective sessions, should you not be able to attend for whatever reason.